皇冠体育- 2021年1月25日-皇冠体育-克利夫斯公司(NYSE: CLF)今天宣布了截至2020年12月31日的第四季度初步财务业绩。公司于2020年12月9日完成了对安赛乐米塔尔皇冠体育官网公司的收购。由于与交易相关的广泛的会计整合,此时只有选定的初步财务信息可用。该公司将在2021年2月25日(星期四)皇冠体育官网市场开盘前公布其2020年第四季度的完整业绩。今天公布的初步结果涵盖了AK钢铁和传统皇冠体育-皇冠体育斯业务的整个2020年第四季度,并包括皇冠体育-皇冠体育斯钢铁公司(原安赛乐米塔尔皇冠体育官网公司)从2020年12月9日至2020年12月31日的业绩:•2020年第四季度综合收入约为22至23亿美元,比去年同期增长约320%。•2020年第四季度调整后EBITDA*约为2.8亿至2.9亿美元,较上年同期增长约150%,创六年来新高。•2020年第四季度钢材净销量190万吨。最近在俄亥俄州托莱多建造的最先进的直接还原厂于2020年11月开始运营,热压块铁(HBI)的生产于2020年12月开始。Cliffs预计在2021年第一季度晚些时候将HBI交付给第三方客户,并预计该工厂将在2021年第二季度达到满负荷生产。cliff董事长、总裁兼首席执行官洛伦索·贡萨尔维斯(Lourenco Goncalves)表示:“我们以特别高的成绩结束了2020年。随着我们第二次转型收购的完成,创造了北美最大的扁钢生产商,并启动了世界上最现代化、最环保的直接还原工厂,皇冠体育斯以合适的规模、合适的产品组合和适合我们经营的商业环境的合适的客户组合进入2021年。我们第四季度的强劲业绩只是我们在2021年应该能够完成的一个样本,当最近收购安赛乐米塔尔皇冠体育官网和向第三方客户销售HBI的贡献将充分反映在数字上。在弹性钢铁定价环境和越来越多的钢铁公司的背景下(见99.1)

CLEVELAND- cliffs INC.•200 PUBLIC SQUARE•SUITE 3300•CLEVELAND, OH 44114-2544 2争夺2021年及以后日益稀缺的废料供应,CLEVELAND- cliffs将继续受益于我们差异化的商业模式,实现颗粒和HBI的自给自足。”公司邀请感兴趣的各方于皇冠体育官网东部时间2021年2月25日上午10点收听与证券分析师和机构投资者的电话会议直播,以讨论业绩。该电话会议可在www.alphaetomega.net访问,也将存档并可在该地址重播。*调整后的EBITDA是非公认会计准则的财务指标,用于管理层评估经营业绩。本指标的表述不应与按照皇冠体育官网公认会计准则编制和表述的财务信息分离、替代或优于。本指标的表述可能与其他公司使用的非公认会计准则财务指标不同。由于预测发生的不确定性和固有的困难以及影响可比性的项目的财务影响,我们无法在不合理的努力下,将我们的预期调整后的EBITDA与其最直接可比的GAAP财务指标——净收入进行调和。这包括最终确定获得的净有形和无形资产和承担的负债以及相关的税收影响的对价的初步分配。出于同样的原因,我们无法说明这些无法获得的信息的可能意义。注:德勤尚未对初步财务数据进行审计、审查、编制或应用商定的程序。因此,德勤律师事务所不就此发表意见或任何其他形式的保证。关于皇冠体育-皇冠体育斯公司皇冠体育-克利夫斯是北美最大的扁钢生产商。皇冠体育斯成立于1847年,是一家矿山运营商,也是北美最大的铁矿石颗粒供应商。2020年,皇冠体育-皇冠体育斯收购了两家主要钢铁制造商,AK钢铁公司和安赛乐米塔尔皇冠体育官网公司,将其传统铁矿石业务与以质量为重点的钢铁生产和重点放在汽车终端市场上进行垂直整合。皇冠体育-皇冠体育斯完全集成的产品组合包括定制颗粒和热压块铁(HBI);碳钢、不锈钢、电工、板、锡、长钢制品;以及碳素和不锈钢管,冷热冲压和工装。皇冠体育-克利夫斯总部位于俄亥俄州皇冠体育,在皇冠体育官网和加拿大拥有约25,000名员工,从事采矿,钢铁和下游制造业务。欲了解更多信息,请访问www.alphaetomega.net。前瞻性陈述本新闻稿包含构成联邦证券法意义上的“前瞻性陈述”的陈述。一般而言,前瞻性陈述涉及预期的趋势和期望,而不是历史事项。前瞻性陈述受到与我们的运营和商业环境相关的不确定因素的影响,这些因素难以预测,可能超出我们的控制范围。此类不确定性和因素可能导致实际结果与前瞻性陈述中所表达或暗示的结果存在重大差异。这些陈述仅在本新闻稿发布之日发表,除法律规定外,我们不承担更新这些陈述的持续义务。可能影响我们未来业绩并导致结果与本新闻稿中的前瞻性陈述不同的不确定性和风险因素包括但不限于

CLEVELAND-CLIFFS INC. • 200 PUBLIC SQUARE • SUITE 3300 • CLEVELAND, OH 44114-2544 3 our financial statements as of and for the fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2020, which may differ from our expectations and the preliminary estimated financial information provided in this release; severe financial hardship, bankruptcy, temporary or permanent shutdowns or operational challenges, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic or otherwise, of one or more of our major customers, including customers in the automotive market, key suppliers or contractors, which, among other adverse effects, could lead to reduced demand for our products, increased difficulty collecting receivables, and customers and/or suppliers asserting force majeure or other reasons for not performing their contractual obligations to us; uncertainty and weaknesses in global economic conditions, including downward pressure on prices caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, oversupply of imported products, reduced market demand and risks related to U.S. government actions with respect to Section 232, the USMCA and/or other trade agreements, treaties or policies; uncertainties associated with the highly competitive and highly cyclical steel industry and reliance on the demand for steel from the automotive industry; continued volatility of steel and iron ore prices and other trends, which may impact the price-adjustment calculations under certain of our sales contracts; our ability to cost-effectively achieve planned production rates or levels, including at our HBI production plant; our ability to successfully identify and consummate any strategic investments or development projects; increased market share of lighter-weight steel alternatives, including aluminum; our ability to maintain adequate liquidity, our level of indebtedness and the availability of capital could limit cash flow available to fund working capital, planned capital expenditures, acquisitions, and other general corporate purposes or ongoing needs of our business; our actual economic iron ore reserves or reductions in current mineral estimates, including whether any mineralized material qualifies as a reserve; our ability to successfully diversify our product mix and add new customers; the outcome of any contractual disputes with our customers, joint venture partners or significant energy, material or service providers or any other litigation or arbitration; problems or uncertainties with sales volume or mix, productivity, transportation, environmental liabilities, employee-benefit costs and other risks of the steel and mining industries; impacts of existing and increasing governmental regulation and related costs and liabilities, including failure to receive or maintain required operating and environmental permits, approvals, modifications or other authorization of, or from, any governmental or regulatory entity and costs related to implementing improvements to ensure compliance with regulatory changes; our ability to maintain appropriate relations with unions and employees; the ability of our customers, joint venture partners and third-party service providers to meet their obligations to us on a timely basis or at all; events or circumstances that could impair or adversely impact the viability of a production plant or mine and the carrying value of associated assets, as well as any resulting impairment charges; uncertainties associated with natural disasters, weather conditions, unanticipated geological conditions, supply or price of energy, equipment failures, infectious disease outbreaks and other unexpected events; adverse changes in interest rates, foreign currency rates and tax laws; the potential existence of significant deficiencies or material weakness in our internal control over financial reporting; our ability to realize the anticipated benefits of the acquisitions of AK Steel and substantially all of the operations of ArcelorMittal USA and to successfully integrate the acquired businesses into our existing businesses, including uncertainties associated with maintaining relationships with customers, vendors and employees, as well as realizing additional future synergies; additional debt we assumed or issued in connection with the acquisitions of AK Steel and substantially all of the operations of ArcelorMittal USA, as well as additional debt we incurred in connection with enhancing our liquidity during the COVID-19 pandemic, may negatively impact our credit profile and limit our financial flexibility; changes in the cost of raw materials and supplies; supply chain disruptions or poor quality of raw materials or supplies, including scrap, coal, coke and alloys; disruptions in, or failures of, our information technology systems, including those related to cybersecurity; unanticipated costs associated with healthcare, pension and OPEB obligations; business and management strategies for the maintenance, expansion and growth of the combined company's operations; and our ability to retain and hire key personnel, including within the AK Steel and ArcelorMittal USA businesses.

有关影响Cliffs业务的其他因素,请参阅截至2020年9月30日季度期间Cliffs的10-Q表格季度报告中的“风险因素”。我们敦促您仔细考虑这些风险因素。资料来源:Cleveland-Cliffs Inc。媒体联系人:Patricia Persico董事,企业传播(216)694-5316投资者联系人:Paul Finan副总裁,投资者关系(216)694-6544 ###