新闻发布皇冠体育-皇冠体育斯公司皇冠体育- 2024年10月8日-皇冠体育-皇冠体育斯公司(纽约证券交易所:CLF)(“Cliffs”)今天宣布,它打算根据市场和其他条件,在一次不受《1933年证券法》(“证券法”)注册要求约束的发行中,出售总额为8亿美元的2029年到期的优先担保票据(“2029年票据”)和总额为8亿美元的2033年到期的优先担保票据(“2033年票据”和“2029年票据”)。这些票据将在高级无担保的基础上由Cliffs的重要直接和间接全资拥有的国内子公司担保,但某些被排除在外的子公司除外。Cliffs打算将发行债券的净收益用于支付先前宣布的收购Stelco Holdings Inc.(“Stelco收购”)相关的部分应付现金对价,cliff预计在满足或放弃适用条件后,该收购将于2024年第四季度完成。此次发行不以完成对Stelco的收购为条件。但是,如果(i)对Stelco的收购未在2025年4月14日(“结束日期”)当天或之前完成,但“结束日期”可延长至不迟于2025年7月14日的日期,此后该日期将被视为结束日期,或(ii) Cliffs通知作为票据受托人的皇冠体育官网银行信托公司全国协会,以书面形式终止安排协议或确定Stelco收购不会在结束日期前完成,票据将进行特别强制赎回,其价格等于适用票据初始发行价格的100%,加上从发行日期到但不包括该特别强制赎回日期的应计和未付利息。本新闻稿不构成出售或征求购买任何证券的要约。根据《证券法》第144A条规定的注册豁免,这些票据和相关担保仅提供给合格的机构买家,并且在皇冠体育官网境外提供给非皇冠体育官网。依赖《证券法》第S条规定的注册豁免的人。票据及相关担保未根据《证券法》或任何州或其他司法管辖区的证券法进行注册,未经CLEVELAND- cliffs INC.•200 PUBLIC SQUARE•SUITE 3300•CLEVELAND, OH 44114-2544(附录99.1)注册,不得在皇冠体育官网提供或出售

2 applicable exemption from the Securities Act and applicable state securities or blue sky laws and foreign securities laws. About Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. Cleveland-Cliffs is a leading North America-based steel producer with focus on value-added sheet products, particularly for the automotive industry. The Company is vertically integrated from the mining of iron ore pellets, production of direct reduced iron, and processing of ferrous scrap through primary steelmaking and downstream finishing, stamping, tooling, and tubing. Headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, Cleveland-Cliffs employs approximately 28,000 people across its operations in the United States and Canada. Forward Looking Statements This release contains statements that constitute “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the federal securities laws. All statements other than historical facts, including, without limitation, statements regarding our current expectations, estimates and projections about our industry or our businesses, are forward-looking statements. We caution investors that any forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results and future trends to differ materially from those matters expressed in or implied by such forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Among the risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ from those described in forward-looking statements are the following: continued volatility of steel, iron ore and scrap metal market prices, which directly and indirectly impact the prices of the products that we sell to our customers; uncertainties associated with the highly competitive and cyclical steel industry and our reliance on the demand for steel from the automotive industry; potential weaknesses and uncertainties in global economic conditions, excess global steelmaking capacity, oversupply of iron ore, prevalence of steel imports and reduced market demand; severe financial hardship, bankruptcy, temporary or permanent shutdowns or operational challenges of one or more of our major customers, key suppliers or contractors, which, among other adverse effects, could disrupt our operations or lead to reduced demand for our products, increased difficulty collecting receivables, and customers and/or suppliers asserting force majeure or other reasons for not performing their contractual obligations to us; risks related to U.S. government actions with respect to Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 (as amended by the Trade Act of 1974), the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement and/or other trade agreements, tariffs, treaties or policies, as well as the uncertainty of obtaining and maintaining effective antidumping and countervailing duty orders to counteract the harmful effects of unfairly traded imports; impacts of existing and increasing governmental regulation, including potential environmental regulations relating to climate change and carbon emissions, and related costs and liabilities, including failure to receive or maintain required operating and environmental permits, approvals, modifications or other authorizations of, or from, any governmental or regulatory authority and costs related to implementing improvements to ensure compliance with regulatory changes, including potential financial assurance requirements, and reclamation and remediation obligations; potential impacts to the environment or exposure to hazardous substances resulting from our operations; our ability to maintain adequate liquidity, our level of indebtedness and the availability of capital could limit our financial flexibility and cash flow necessary to fund working capital, planned capital expenditures, acquisitions, and other general corporate purposes or ongoing needs of our business, or to repurchase our common shares; our ability to reduce our indebtedness or return capital to shareholders within the currently expected timeframes or at all; adverse changes in credit ratings, interest rates, foreign currency rates and tax laws; the outcome of, and costs incurred in connection with, lawsuits, claims, arbitrations or governmental proceedings relating to commercial and business disputes, antitrust claims, environmental matters, government investigations, occupational or personal injury claims, property- related matters, labor and employment matters, or suits involving legacy operations and other matters; supply chain disruptions or changes in the cost, quality or availability of energy sources, including electricity, natural gas and diesel fuel, critical raw materials and supplies, including iron ore, industrial gases, graphite electrodes, scrap metal, chrome, zinc, other alloys, coke and metallurgical coal, and critical manufacturing equipment and spare parts; problems or disruptions associated with transporting products to our customers, moving manufacturing inputs or products internally among our facilities, or suppliers transporting raw materials to us; the risk that the cost or time to implement a strategic or sustaining capital project may prove to be greater than originally anticipated; our ability to consummate any public or private acquisition transactions and to realize any or all of the anticipated benefits or estimated future synergies, as well as to successfully integrate any acquired businesses into our existing businesses; uncertainties associated with natural or human-caused disasters, adverse weather conditions, unanticipated geological conditions, critical equipment failures, infectious disease outbreaks, tailings dam failures and other unexpected events; CLEVELAND-CLIFFS INC. • 200 PUBLIC SQUARE • SUITE 3300 • CLEVELAND, OH 44114-2544

由我们或托管或有权访问我们数据或系统的第三方管理的信息技术系统有关、中断或故障的网络安全事件44114-2544,包括敏感或重要业务或个人信息的丢失、盗窃或损坏,以及无法访问或控制系统;与临时或无限期闲置或永久关闭运营设施或矿山的任何业务决策相关的负债和成本,这可能对相关资产的账面价值产生不利影响,并产生减值费用或关闭和回收义务,以及重新启动任何先前闲置的运营设施或矿山相关的不确定性;我们的自我保险水平和我们获得足够的第三方保险以充分覆盖潜在的不利事件和业务风险的能力;与我们满足客户和供应商的脱碳目标以及根据我们自己宣布的目标减少温室气体排放的能力相关的不确定性;维护我们与利益相关者一起运营的社会执照所面临的挑战,包括我们的运营对当地社区的影响,在产生温室气体的碳密集型行业中运营的声誉影响,以及我们培养一致的运营和安全记录的能力;我们的实际经济矿产储量或当前矿产储量估计值的减少,以及任何采矿财产的租约、许可证、地役权或其他占有权权益的任何所有权缺陷或损失;我们与工会和员工保持良好劳资关系的能力;由于计划资产价值变动或未供资债务所需缴款增加而导致养恤金和其他离职后福利债务的意外费用或增加费用;技术工人填补关键运营岗位的不确定可用性或成本,以及由经验丰富的员工流失或其他原因造成的潜在劳动力短缺,以及我们吸引、雇用、发展和留住关键人员的能力;回购普通股的金额和时间;我们对财务报告的内部控制可能存在的重大缺陷或重大缺陷;收购Stelco可能无法完成的风险,以及如果完成,我们实现收购Stelco预期收益的能力。有关影响Cliffs业务的其他因素,请参阅第I部分第1A项。截至2023年12月31日的年度10-K表风险因素报告、截至2024年6月30日的季度10-Q表季度报告以及向皇冠体育官网证券交易委员会提交的其他文件。资料来源:Cleveland-Cliffs Inc。媒体联系人:Patricia Persico高级董事,企业传播(216)694-5316投资者联系人:James Kerr董事,投资者关系(216)694-7719 ###