报告日期(最早报告事件的日期): | 2008年7月11日 |
Cleveland-Cliffs公司 __________________________________________ ( 注册人的确切名称作为其宪章中指定)
俄亥俄州 | 1 - 8944 | 34 - 1464672 |
_____________________ (州或其他司法管辖区 |
_____________ (委员会 |
______________ (国税局雇主 |
合并) | 文件数量) | 识别号) |
俄亥俄州乐鱼体育市苏必利尔大道1100号 | 44114 - 2544 | |
_________________________________ (主要行政办事处地址) |
___________ (邮政编码) |
注册人的电话号码,包括地区号码: | 216-694-5700 |
不适用 ______________________________________________ 前名或前地址,如果改变了自去年报告
[]根据《证券法》(17 CFR 230.425)第425条进行的书面沟通
[]根据《交易法》(17 CFR 240.14a-12)第14a-12条征求材料
[]根据《交易法》第14d-2(b)条(17 CFR 240.14d-2(b)条)进行的开工前通信
[]根据《交易法》第13e-4(c)条(17 CFR 240.13e-4(c)条)进行的开工前通信
2008年7月11日,Cleveland-Cliffs Inc(以下简称“公司”)通过全资子公司完成了对United Mining Co. Ltd.(以下简称“United Mining”)在United Taconite LLC(一家位于明尼苏达州Eveleth的铁矿石开采和制球合资企业)30%权益的收购。该公司之前拥有UTAC 70%的股权,在完成收购后,现在拥有100%的股权。此次收购将于2008年6月30日生效。收购价格包括约1亿美元现金、1,529,619股公司普通股(“对价股”)和120万吨铁矿石球团。从截至2008年12月31日的季度开始,这些颗粒将在未来五个季度内提供给联合矿业公司。如上所述,联合矿业以前是该公司在UTAC的合资企业参与者。该公司还不时向联合矿业的一家附属公司现货销售铁矿石球团。收购价格的一部分现金部分通过公司的多货币信贷协议融资,该协议于2007年8月17日由公司、乐鱼体育银行(作为行政代理、Swing Line贷方和信用证签发方)以及其他贷方(“信贷协议”)提供。信贷协议项下的某些贷方和其他方及其各自的关联公司已经并可能在未来为本公司及其子公司提供各种商业银行业务、投资银行业务和其他财务咨询服务,这些服务已收到并将收到惯例费用和开支。
如上文第2.01项所述,本公司于2008年7月11日向联合矿业发行了对价股,作为收购联合矿业在UTAC 30%权益的对价的一部分。根据《证券法》第4(2)条规定的注册豁免,在交易结束时发行对价股,无需根据《1933年证券法》进行注册。关于对价股的发行,本公司于2008年7月11日与联合矿业签订了一项登记权协议,根据该协议,除其他事项外,本公司同意就对价股提交转售登记声明。
Cleveland-Cliffs Inc published a news release dated July 14, 2008 as follows:
Cleveland-Cliffs Acquires Minority Partner’s Interest
in United Taconite
Purchase Provides Cliffs 100% Ownership of Minnesota Mining Operation
CLEVELAND—July 14, 2008—Cleveland-Cliffs Inc (NYSE: CLF) today announced that it has acquired United Mining Co. Ltd.’s 30% interest in United Taconite (UTAC), an iron ore mining and pelletizing operation located in Eveleth, Minn. Cliffs previously owned a 70% interest in the joint venture and after completing the purchase now has 100% ownership.
Consideration will be a mix of cash, stock and iron ore pellets. The total includes $100 million in cash and 1,529,619 Cleveland-Cliffs common shares. In addition, the transaction includes a provision to supply 1.2 million tons of iron ore pellets over the next five quarters at no cost.
Joseph Carrabba, Cliffs’ chairman, president and chief executive officer, commented: "Strategically, the consolidation of the UTAC minority interest strengthens our core North American Iron Ore business, and together with our Northshore property, gives Cliffs two wholly-owned iron ore assets in North America. Moreover, as Cliffs currently manages the operation, there is no integration risk associated with the transaction."
The acquisition does not require regulatory approval and has an effective close date of June 30, 2008. United Taconite is expected to produce 5.2 million tons in 2008 and at Dec. 31, 2007 had proven reserves of 133 million tons. As a result of this transaction, as well as the recently announced expansion project at the Company’s Michigan mines, Cliffs’ total North American Iron Ore equity pellet production will increase to 23 million tons in 2008 and over 24 million tons in 2009.
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Cleveland-Cliffs Inc, headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, is an international mining company, the largest producer of iron ore pellets in North America and a major supplier of metallurgical coal to the global steelmaking industry. The Company operates six iron ore mines in Michigan, Minnesota and Eastern Canada, and three coking coal mines in West Virginia and Alabama. Cliffs also owns 85% of Portman Limited, a large iron ore mining company in Australia, serving the Asian iron ore markets with direct-shipping fines and lump ore. In addition, the Company has a 30% interest in the Amapá Project, a Brazilian iron ore project, and a 45% economic interest in the Sonoma Project, an Australian coking and thermal coal project.
This news release contains predictive statements that are intended to be made as "forward-looking" within the safe harbor protections of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Although the Company believes that its forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are subject to risk and uncertainties.
Actual results may differ materially from such statements for a variety of reasons, including: changes in the sales mix; the impact of other price-adjustment factors on the Company’s North American sales contracts; changes in demand for iron ore pellets by North American integrated steel producers, or changes in Asian iron ore demand due to changes in steel utilization rates, operational factors, electric furnace production or imports into the United States and Canada of semi-finished steel or pig iron; the impact of consolidation and rationalization in the steel industry; availability of capital equipment and component parts; availability of float capacity on the Great Lakes; changes in the financial condition of the Company’s partners and/or customers; rejection of major contracts and/or venture agreements by customers and/or participants under provisions of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code or similar statutes in other countries; events or circumstances that could impair or adversely impact the viability of a mine and the carrying value of associated assets; inability to achieve expected production levels; reductions in current resource estimates; failure to receive or maintain required environmental permits; problems with productivity, labor disputes, weather conditions, fluctuations in ore grade, tons mined, changes in cost factors including energy costs, transportation, mine closure obligations and employee benefit costs; the ability to identify, acquire and integrate strategic acquisition candidates and the effect of these various risks on the Company’s future cash flows, debt levels, liquidity and financial position.
Reference is also made to the detailed explanation of the many factors and risks that may cause such predictive statements to turn out differently, set forth in the Company’s Annual Report and Reports on Form 10-K and previous news releases filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, which are publicly available on Cleveland-Cliffs’ website. The information contained in this document speaks as of the date of this news release and may be superseded by subsequent events.
News releases and other information on the Company are available on the Internet at:
SOURCE: Cleveland-Cliffs Inc
Steve Baisden
Director, Investor Relations and Corporate Communications
(216) 694-5280
Cleveland-Cliffs公司 | ||||
二零零八年七月十五日 | 由: | 小乔治·w·霍克 |
姓名:小乔治·w·霍克 | ||||
职务:总法律顾问兼秘书 |